Presenting your attention the unique development of Russian engineers, programmers a robotic point of food "Blindozer". Analogues in the world does not exist!
Preparation pancake takes approximately 2.5 minutes. On the facade is a transparent window in the right side of the unit, through which the customer can monitor the entire cooking process.
The work on the vending machine began in 2011. The device has passed certification for compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on the safety of machinery and equipment. A passed certification for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods. At the moment, after all the trials and the company begins production.
from 11 to 14 July 2016 Bleendozer took part in the largest exhibition of innovative country Nbsp;INNOPROM 2016 Ekaterinburg, pavilion № 1, stand 1S9.
Our partners from Italy have developed the concept of use of automatic machines Blindozer in street space. Having integrated him into a stop of public transport.